Calming Baffle

Rosenberg recommends using the calming baffle model 8CB01 in all liquid/liquid and gas/liquid/liquid separators, either operated as simple gravity settler or equipped with Rosenberg DEPSEP or RoseFlow Coalescer. Baffle plates are provided with uniform holes which are optimized to achieve good flow distribution and minimize any turbulence in the liquid phases towards the coalescer internals. Depending on the type of applications, two or more calming baffles may be used. In case of heavy solid foulant or waxy nature of fluids, often larger holes size with a cut-back at the bottom will be used and/or cap distribution baffle with be employed.

Product Information

Rosenberg recommends using the calming baffle model 8CB01 in all liquid/liquid and gas/liquid/liquid separators, either operated as simple gravity settler or equipped with Rosenberg DEPSEP or RoseFlow Coalescer. Baffle plates are provided with uniform holes which are optimized to achieve good flow distribution and minimize any turbulence in the liquid phases towards the coalescer internals.

Depending on the type of applications, two or more calming baffles may be used.

In case of heavy solid foulant or waxy nature of fluids, often larger holes size with a cut-back at the bottom will be used and/or cap distribution baffle with be employed.

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